class Sequel::Schema::AlterTableGenerator

  1. lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
Superclass: Object

Schema::AlterTableGenerator is an internal class that the user is not expected to instantiate directly. Instances are created by Database#alter_table. It is used to specify table alteration parameters. It takes a Database object and a block of operations to perform on the table, and gives the Database an array of table altering operations, which the database uses to alter a table’s description.

For more information on Sequel’s support for schema modification, see the “Schema Modification” guide.


operations [R]

An array of operations to perform

Public Class methods

new(db, &block)

Set the Database object to which to apply the changes, and evaluate the block in the context of this object.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
387 def initialize(db, &block)
388   @db = db
389   @operations = []
390   instance_exec(&block) if block
391 end

Public Instance methods

add_column(name, type, opts = OPTS)

Add a column with the given name, type, and opts. See CreateTableGenerator#column for the available options.

add_column(:name, String) # ADD COLUMN name varchar(255)

PostgreSQL specific options:


Set to true to not add the column if it already exists (PostgreSQL 9.6+)

MySQL specific options:


The name of an existing column that the new column should be positioned after


Create this new column before all other existing columns

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
406 def add_column(name, type, opts = OPTS)
407   op = {:op => :add_column, :name => name, :type => type}.merge!(opts)
408   index_opts = op.delete(:index)
409   @operations << op
410   add_index(name, index_opts.is_a?(Hash) ? index_opts : OPTS) if index_opts
411   nil
412 end
add_constraint(name, *args, &block)

Add a constraint with the given name and args. See CreateTableGenerator#constraint.

add_constraint(:valid_name,, 'A%'))
# ADD CONSTRAINT valid_name CHECK (name LIKE 'A%' ESCAPE '\')
add_constraint({name: :valid_name, deferrable: true},, 'A%'))
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
421 def add_constraint(name, *args, &block)
422   opts = name.is_a?(Hash) ? name : {:name=>name}
423   @operations << opts.merge(:op=>:add_constraint, :type=>:check, :check=>block || args)
424   nil
425 end
add_foreign_key(name, table, opts = OPTS)

Add a foreign key with the given name and referencing the given table. See CreateTableGenerator#column for the available options.

You can also pass an array of column names for creating composite foreign keys. In this case, it will assume the columns exist and will only add the constraint. You can provide a :name option to name the constraint.

NOTE: If you need to add a foreign key constraint to a single existing column use the composite key syntax even if it is only one column.

add_foreign_key(:artist_id, :table) # ADD COLUMN artist_id integer REFERENCES table
add_foreign_key([:name], :table) # ADD FOREIGN KEY (name) REFERENCES table

PostgreSQL specific options:


Set to true to add the constraint with the NOT VALID syntax. This makes it so that future inserts must respect referential integrity, but allows the constraint to be added even if existing column values reference rows that do not exist. After all the existing data has been cleaned up, validate_constraint can be used to mark the constraint as valid. Note that this option only makes sense when using an array of columns.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
460 def add_foreign_key(name, table, opts = OPTS)
461   return add_composite_foreign_key(name, table, opts) if name.is_a?(Array)
462   add_column(name, Integer, {:table=>table}.merge!(opts))
463 end
add_full_text_index(columns, opts = OPTS)

Add a full text index on the given columns. See CreateTableGenerator#full_text_index for available options.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
467 def add_full_text_index(columns, opts = OPTS)
468   add_index(columns, {:type=>:full_text}.merge!(opts))
469 end
add_index(columns, opts = OPTS)

Add an index on the given columns. See CreateTableGenerator#index for available options.

add_index(:artist_id) # CREATE INDEX table_artist_id_index ON table (artist_id)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
475 def add_index(columns, opts = OPTS)
476   @operations << {:op => :add_index, :columns => Array(columns)}.merge!(opts)
477   nil
478 end
add_primary_key(name, opts = OPTS)

Add a primary key. See CreateTableGenerator#column for the available options. Like add_foreign_key, if you specify the column name as an array, it just creates a constraint:

add_primary_key(:id) # ADD COLUMN id serial PRIMARY KEY
add_primary_key([:artist_id, :name]) # ADD PRIMARY KEY (artist_id, name)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
486 def add_primary_key(name, opts = OPTS)
487   return add_composite_primary_key(name, opts) if name.is_a?(Array)
488   opts = @db.serial_primary_key_options.merge(opts)
489   add_column(name, opts.delete(:type), opts)
490 end
add_spatial_index(columns, opts = OPTS)

Add a spatial index on the given columns. See CreateTableGenerator#index for available options.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
494 def add_spatial_index(columns, opts = OPTS)
495   add_index(columns, {:type=>:spatial}.merge!(opts))
496 end
add_unique_constraint(columns, opts = OPTS)

Add a unique constraint to the given column(s)

add_unique_constraint(:name) # ADD UNIQUE (name)
add_unique_constraint(:name, name: :unique_name) # ADD CONSTRAINT unique_name UNIQUE (name)

Supports the same :deferrable option as CreateTableGenerator#column.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
433 def add_unique_constraint(columns, opts = OPTS)
434   @operations << {:op => :add_constraint, :type => :unique, :columns => Array(columns)}.merge!(opts)
435   nil
436 end
drop_column(name, opts=OPTS)

Remove a column from the table.

drop_column(:artist_id) # DROP COLUMN artist_id
drop_column(:artist_id, cascade: true) # DROP COLUMN artist_id CASCADE



CASCADE the operation, dropping other objects that depend on the dropped column.

PostgreSQL specific options:


Use IF EXISTS, so no error is raised if the column does not exist.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
511 def drop_column(name, opts=OPTS)
512   @operations << {:op => :drop_column, :name => name}.merge!(opts)
513   nil
514 end
drop_constraint(name, opts=OPTS)

Remove a constraint from the table:

drop_constraint(:unique_name) # DROP CONSTRAINT unique_name
drop_constraint(:unique_name, cascade: true) # DROP CONSTRAINT unique_name CASCADE

MySQL/SQLite specific options:


Set the type of constraint to drop, either :primary_key, :foreign_key, or :unique.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
525 def drop_constraint(name, opts=OPTS)
526   @operations << {:op => :drop_constraint, :name => name}.merge!(opts)
527   nil
528 end
drop_foreign_key(name, opts=OPTS)

Remove a foreign key and the associated column from the table. General options:


The name of the constraint to drop. If not given, uses the same name that would be used by add_foreign_key with the same columns.

NOTE: If you want to drop only the foreign key constraint but keep the column, use the composite key syntax even if it is only one column.

drop_foreign_key(:artist_id) # DROP CONSTRAINT table_artist_id_fkey, DROP COLUMN artist_id
drop_foreign_key([:name]) # DROP CONSTRAINT table_name_fkey
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
540 def drop_foreign_key(name, opts=OPTS)
541   if !name.is_a?(Array) && opts[:foreign_key_constraint_name]
542     opts = Hash[opts]
543     opts[:name] = opts[:foreign_key_constraint_name]
544   end
545   drop_composite_foreign_key(Array(name), opts)
546   drop_column(name) unless name.is_a?(Array)
547 end
drop_index(columns, options=OPTS)

Remove an index from the table. General options:


The name of the index to drop. If not given, uses the same name that would be used by add_index with the same columns.

PostgreSQL specific options:


Cascade the index drop to dependent objects.


Drop the index using CONCURRENTLY, which doesn’t block operations on the table. Supported in PostgreSQL 9.2+.


Only drop the index if it already exists.

drop_index(:artist_id) # DROP INDEX table_artist_id_index
drop_index([:a, :b]) # DROP INDEX table_a_b_index
drop_index([:a, :b], name: :foo) # DROP INDEX foo
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
564 def drop_index(columns, options=OPTS)
565   @operations << {:op => :drop_index, :columns => Array(columns)}.merge!(options)
566   nil
567 end
rename_column(name, new_name, opts = OPTS)

Rename one of the table’s columns.

rename_column(:name, :artist_name) # RENAME COLUMN name TO artist_name
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
572 def rename_column(name, new_name, opts = OPTS)
573   @operations << {:op => :rename_column, :name => name, :new_name => new_name}.merge!(opts)
574   nil
575 end
set_column_allow_null(name, allow_null=true)

Set a given column as allowing NULL values.

set_column_allow_null(:artist_name) # ALTER COLUMN artist_name DROP NOT NULL

On MySQL, make sure to use a symbol for the name of the column, as otherwise you can lose the default and type for the column.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
613 def set_column_allow_null(name, allow_null=true)
614   @operations << {:op => :set_column_null, :name => name, :null => allow_null}
615   nil
616 end
set_column_default(name, default)

Modify the default value for one of the table’s column.

set_column_default(:artist_name, 'a') # ALTER COLUMN artist_name SET DEFAULT 'a'

To remove an existing default value, use nil as the value:

set_column_default(:artist_name, nil) # ALTER COLUMN artist_name SET DEFAULT NULL

On MySQL, make sure to use a symbol for the name of the column, as otherwise you can lose the type and NULL/NOT NULL setting for the column.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
587 def set_column_default(name, default)
588   @operations << {:op => :set_column_default, :name => name, :default => default}
589   nil
590 end

Set a given column as not allowing NULL values.

set_column_not_null(:artist_name) # ALTER COLUMN artist_name SET NOT NULL

On MySQL, make sure to use a symbol for the name of the column, as otherwise you can lose the default and type for the column.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
624 def set_column_not_null(name)
625   set_column_allow_null(name, false)
626 end
set_column_type(name, type, opts=OPTS)

Modify the type of one of the table’s column.

set_column_type(:artist_name, 'char(10)') # ALTER COLUMN artist_name TYPE char(10)

PostgreSQL specific options:


Add a USING clause that specifies how to convert existing values to new values.

On MySQL, make sure to use a symbol for the name of the column, as otherwise you can lose the default and NULL/NOT NULL setting for the column.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/database/schema_generator.rb
602 def set_column_type(name, type, opts=OPTS)
603   @operations << {:op => :set_column_type, :name => name, :type => type}.merge!(opts)
604   nil
605 end