module Sequel::Model::InstanceMethods

  1. lib/sequel/model/base.rb

Sequel::Model instance methods that implement basic model functionality.

  • All of the model before/after/around hooks are implemented as instance methods that are called by Sequel when the appropriate action occurs. For example, when destroying a model object, Sequel will call around_destroy, which will call before_destroy, do the destroy, and then call after_destroy.

  • The following instance_methods all call the class method of the same name: columns, db, primary_key, db_schema.

  • The following accessor methods are defined via metaprogramming: raise_on_save_failure, raise_on_typecast_failure, require_modification, strict_param_setting, typecast_empty_string_to_nil, typecast_on_assignment, and use_transactions. The setter methods will change the setting for the instance, and the getter methods will check for an instance setting, then try the class setting if no instance setting has been set.

Public Instance Aliases

pk_equal? -> ===

If the receiver has a primary key value, returns true if the objects have the same class and primary key value. If the receiver’s primary key value is nil or is an array containing nil, returns false.

Artist[1].pk_equal?(Artist[1]) # => true # => false
Artist[1].set(name: 'Bob').pk_equal?(Artist[1]) # => true


to_hash [R]

The hash of attribute values. Keys are symbols with the names of the underlying database columns. The returned hash is a reference to the receiver’s values hash, and modifying it will also modify the receiver’s values. 'Bob').values # => {:name=>'Bob'}
Artist[1].values # => {:id=>1, :name=>'Jim', ...}
values [R]

The hash of attribute values. Keys are symbols with the names of the underlying database columns. The returned hash is a reference to the receiver’s values hash, and modifying it will also modify the receiver’s values. 'Bob').values # => {:name=>'Bob'}
Artist[1].values # => {:id=>1, :name=>'Jim', ...}

Public Class methods

new(values = OPTS)

Creates new instance and passes the given values to set. If a block is given, yield the instance to the block.



should be a hash to pass to set. 'Bob') do |a| = 'Bob'
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1112 def initialize(values = OPTS)
1113   @values = {}
1114   @new = true
1115   @modified = true
1116   initialize_set(values)
1117   _clear_changed_columns(:initialize)
1118   yield self if defined?(yield)
1119 end

Public Instance methods


Alias of eql?

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1149 def ==(obj)
1150   eql?(obj)
1151 end

Case equality. By default, checks equality of the primary key value, see pk_equal?.

Artist[1] === Artist[1] # => true === # => false
Artist[1].set(name: 'Bob') === Artist[1] # => true
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1159 def ===(obj)
1160   case pkv = pk
1161   when nil
1162     return false
1163   when Array
1164     return false if pkv.any?(&:nil?)
1165   end
1167   (obj.class == model) && ( == pkv)
1168 end

Returns value of the column’s attribute.

Artist[1][:id] #=> 1
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1124 def [](column)
1125   @values[column]
1126 end
[]=(column, value)

Sets the value for the given column. If typecasting is enabled for this object, typecast the value based on the column’s type. If this is a new record or the typecasted value isn’t the same as the current value for the column, mark the column as changed.

a =
a[:name] = 'Bob'
a.values #=> {:name=>'Bob'}
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1136 def []=(column, value)
1137   # If it is new, it doesn't have a value yet, so we should
1138   # definitely set the new value.
1139   # If the column isn't in @values, we can't assume it is
1140   # NULL in the database, so assume it has changed.
1141   v = typecast_value(column, value)
1142   vals = @values
1143   if new? || !vals.include?(column) || v != (c = vals[column]) || v.class != c.class
1144     change_column_value(column, v)
1145   end
1146 end

The autoincrementing primary key for this model object. Should be overridden if you have a composite primary key with one part of it being autoincrementing.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1191 def autoincrementing_primary_key
1192   primary_key
1193 end

Cancel the current action. Should be called in before hooks to halt the processing of the action. If a msg argument is given and the model instance is configured to raise exceptions on failure, sets the message to use for the raised HookFailed exception.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1199 def cancel_action(msg=nil)
1200   raise_hook_failure(msg)
1201 end

The columns that have been updated. This isn’t completely accurate, as it could contain columns whose values have not changed.

a = Artist[1]
a.changed_columns # => [] = 'Bob'
a.changed_columns # => [:name]
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1210 def changed_columns
1211   _changed_columns
1212 end

Deletes and returns self. Does not run destroy hooks. Look into using destroy instead.

Artist[1].delete # DELETE FROM artists WHERE (id = 1)
# => #<Artist {:id=>1, ...}>
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1219 def delete
1220   raise Sequel::Error, "can't delete frozen object" if frozen?
1221   _delete
1222   self
1223 end
destroy(opts = OPTS)

Like delete but runs hooks before and after delete. Uses a transaction if use_transactions is true or if the :transaction option is given and true.

Artist[1].destroy # BEGIN; DELETE FROM artists WHERE (id = 1); COMMIT;
# => #<Artist {:id=>1, ...}>
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1231 def destroy(opts = OPTS)
1232   raise Sequel::Error, "can't destroy frozen object" if frozen?
1233   checked_save_failure(opts){checked_transaction(opts){_destroy(opts)}}
1234 end

Iterates through all of the current values using each.

Album[1].each{|k, v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"}
# id => 1
# name => 'Bob'
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1241 def each(&block)
1242   @values.each(&block)
1243 end

Compares model instances by values.

Artist[1] == Artist[1] # => true == # => true
Artist[1].set(name: 'Bob') == Artist[1] # => false
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1250 def eql?(obj)
1251   (obj.class == model) && (obj.values == @values)
1252 end

Returns the validation errors associated with this object. See Errors.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1256 def errors
1257   @errors ||=
1258 end

Returns true when current instance exists, false otherwise. Generally an object that isn’t new will exist unless it has been deleted. Uses a database query to check for existence, unless the model object is new, in which case this is always false.

Artist[1].exists? # SELECT 1 AS one FROM artists WHERE (id = 1)
# => true
# => false
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1273 def exists?
1274   new? ? false : !this.get(EXISTS_SELECT_).nil?
1275 end

Ignore the model’s setter method cache when this instances extends a module, as the module may contain setter methods.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1279 def extend(mod)
1280   @singleton_setter_added = true
1281   super
1282 end

Freeze the object in such a way that it is still usable but not modifiable. Once an object is frozen, you cannot modify it’s values, changed_columns, errors, or dataset.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1287 def freeze
1288   unless errors.frozen?
1289     validate
1290     errors.freeze
1291   end
1292   values.freeze
1293   _changed_columns.freeze
1294   this if !new? && model.primary_key
1295   super
1296 end

Value that should be unique for objects with the same class and pk (if pk is not nil), or the same class and values (if pk is nil).

Artist[1].hash == Artist[1].hash # true
Artist[1].set(name: 'Bob').hash == Artist[1].hash # true == # true 'Bob').hash == # false
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1305 def hash
1306   case primary_key
1307   when Array
1308     [model, !pk.all? ? @values : pk].hash
1309   when Symbol
1310     [model, pk.nil? ? @values : pk].hash
1311   else
1312     [model, @values].hash
1313   end
1314 end

Returns value for the :id attribute, even if the primary key is not id. To get the primary key value, use pk.

Artist[1].id # => 1
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1320 def id
1321   @values[:id]
1322 end

Returns a string representation of the model instance including the class name and values.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1326 def inspect
1327   "#<#{inspect_prefix} @values=#{inspect_values}>"
1328 end

Returns the keys in values. May not include all column names. # => [] 'Bob').keys # => [:name]
Artist[1].keys # => [:id, :name]
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1335 def keys
1336   @values.keys
1337 end

Refresh this record using for_update (by default, or the specified style when given) unless this is a new record. Returns self. This can be used to make sure no other process is updating the record at the same time.

If style is a string, it will be used directly. You should never pass a string to this method that is derived from user input, as that can lead to SQL injection.

A symbol may be used for database independent locking behavior, but all supported symbols have separate methods (e.g. for_update).

a = Artist[1]
Artist.db.transaction do
  a.update(name: 'A')

a = Artist[2]
Artist.db.transaction do
  a.lock!('FOR NO KEY UPDATE')
  a.update(name: 'B')
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1362 def lock!(style=:update)
1363   _refresh(this.lock_style(style)) unless new?
1364   self
1365 end

Remove elements of the model object that make marshalling fail. Returns self.

a = Artist[1]
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1372 def marshallable!
1373   @this = nil
1374   self
1375 end

Explicitly mark the object as modified, so save_changes/update will run callbacks even if no columns have changed.

a = Artist[1]
a.save_changes # No callbacks run, as no changes
a.save_changes # Callbacks run, even though no changes made

If a column is given, specifically marked that column as modified, so that save_changes/update will include that column in the update. This should be used if you plan on mutating the column value instead of assigning a new column value:

a.modified!(:name)!(/[aeou]/, 'i')
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1392 def modified!(column=nil)
1393   _add_changed_column(column) if column
1394   @modified = true
1395 end

Whether this object has been modified since last saved, used by save_changes to determine whether changes should be saved. New values are always considered modified.

a = Artist[1]
a.modified? # => false
a.set(name: 'Jim')
a.modified? # => true

If a column is given, specifically check if the given column has been modified:

a.modified?(:num_albums) # => false
a.num_albums = 10
a.modified?(:num_albums) # => true
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1412 def modified?(column=nil)
1413   if column
1414     changed_columns.include?(column)
1415   else
1416     @modified || !changed_columns.empty?
1417   end
1418 end

Returns true if the current instance represents a new record. # => true
Artist[1].new? # => false
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1424 def new?
1425   defined?(@new) ? @new : (@new = false)
1426 end

Returns the primary key value identifying the model instance. Raises an Error if this model does not have a primary key. If the model has a composite primary key, returns an array of values.

Artist[1].pk # => 1
Artist[[1, 2]].pk # => [1, 2]
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1434 def pk
1435   raise(Error, "No primary key is associated with this model") unless key = primary_key
1436   if key.is_a?(Array)
1437     vals = @values
1438{|k| vals[k]}
1439   else
1440     @values[key]
1441   end
1442 end

Returns a hash mapping the receivers primary key column(s) to their values.

Artist[1].pk_hash # => {:id=>1}
Artist[[1, 2]].pk_hash # => {:id1=>1, :id2=>2}
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1448 def pk_hash
1449   model.primary_key_hash(pk)
1450 end

Returns a hash mapping the receivers qualified primary key column(s) to their values.

# => {Sequel[:artists][:id]=>1}
Artist[[1, 2]].qualified_pk_hash
# => {Sequel[:artists][:id1]=>1, Sequel[:artists][:id2]=>2}
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1458 def qualified_pk_hash(qualifier=model.table_name)
1459   model.qualified_primary_key_hash(pk, qualifier)
1460 end

Reloads attributes from database and returns self. Also clears all changed_columns information. Raises an Error if the record no longer exists in the database.

a = Artist[1] = 'Jim'
a.refresh # => 'Bob'
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1470 def refresh
1471   raise Sequel::Error, "can't refresh frozen object" if frozen?
1472   _refresh(this)
1473   self
1474 end

Alias of refresh, but not aliased directly to make overriding in a plugin easier.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1477 def reload
1478   refresh
1479 end

Creates or updates the record, after making sure the record is valid and before hooks execute successfully. Fails if:

  • the record is not valid, or

  • before_save calls cancel_action, or

  • the record is new and before_create calls cancel_action, or

  • the record is not new and before_update calls cancel_action.

If save fails and either raise_on_save_failure or the :raise_on_failure option is true, it raises ValidationFailed or HookFailed. Otherwise it returns nil.

If it succeeds, it returns self.

Takes the following options:


save all changed columns, instead of all columns or the columns given


array of specific columns that should be saved.


set to true or false to override the current raise_on_save_failure setting


set the server/shard on the object before saving, and use that server/shard in any transaction.


set to true or false to override the current use_transactions setting


set to false to skip validation

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1506 def save(opts=OPTS)
1507   raise Sequel::Error, "can't save frozen object" if frozen?
1508   set_server(opts[:server]) if opts[:server] 
1509   unless _save_valid?(opts)
1510     raise(validation_failed_error) if raise_on_failure?(opts)
1511     return
1512   end
1513   checked_save_failure(opts){checked_transaction(opts){_save(opts)}}
1514 end

Saves only changed columns if the object has been modified. If the object has not been modified, returns nil. If unable to save, returns false unless raise_on_save_failure is true.

a = Artist[1]
a.save_changes # => nil = 'Jim'
a.save_changes # UPDATE artists SET name = 'Bob' WHERE (id = 1)
# => #<Artist {:id=>1, :name=>'Jim', ...}
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1525 def save_changes(opts=OPTS)
1526   save(Hash[opts].merge!(:changed=>true)) || false if modified? 
1527 end

Updates the instance with the supplied values with support for virtual attributes, raising an exception if a value is used that doesn’t have a setter method (or ignoring it if strict_param_setting = false). Does not save the record.

artist.set(name: 'Jim') # => 'Jim'
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1536 def set(hash)
1537   set_restricted(hash, :default)
1538 end
set_fields(hash, fields, opts=nil)

For each of the fields in the given array fields, call the setter method with the value of that hash entry for the field. Returns self.

You can provide an options hash, with the following options currently respected:


Can be set to :skip to skip missing entries or :raise to raise an Error for missing entries. The default behavior is not to check for missing entries, in which case the default value is used. To be friendly with most web frameworks, the missing check will also check for the string version of the argument in the hash if given a symbol.


artist.set_fields({name: 'Jim'}, [:name]) # => 'Jim'

artist.set_fields({hometown: 'LA'}, [:name]) # => nil
artist.hometown # => 'Sac' # => 'Jim'
artist.set_fields({}, [:name], missing: :skip) # => 'Jim' # => 'Jim'
artist.set_fields({}, [:name], missing: :raise)
# Sequel::Error raised
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1566 def set_fields(hash, fields, opts=nil)
1567   opts = if opts
1568     model.default_set_fields_options.merge(opts)
1569   else
1570     model.default_set_fields_options
1571   end
1573   case missing = opts[:missing]
1574   when :skip, :raise
1575     do_raise = true if missing == :raise
1576     fields.each do |f|
1577       if hash.has_key?(f) 
1578         set_column_value("#{f}=", hash[f])
1579       elsif f.is_a?(Symbol) && hash.has_key?(sf = f.to_s)
1580         set_column_value("#{sf}=", hash[sf])
1581       elsif do_raise
1582         raise(Sequel::Error, "missing field in hash: #{f.inspect} not in #{hash.inspect}")
1583       end
1584     end
1585   else
1586     fields.each{|f| set_column_value("#{f}=", hash[f])}
1587   end
1588   self
1589 end

Set the shard that this object is tied to. Returns self.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1592 def set_server(s)
1593   @server = s
1594   @this = @this.server(s) if @this
1595   self
1596 end

Clear the setter_methods cache when a method is added

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1599 def singleton_method_added(meth)
1600   @singleton_setter_added = true if meth.to_s.end_with?('=')
1601   super
1602 end

Skip all validation of the object on the next call to save, including the running of validation hooks. This is designed for and should only be used in cases where valid? is called before saving and the validate: false option cannot be passed to save.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1609 def skip_validation_on_next_save!
1610   @skip_validation_on_next_save = true
1611 end

Returns (naked) dataset that should return only this instance.

# SELECT * FROM artists WHERE (id = 1) LIMIT 1
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1617 def this
1618   return @this if @this
1619   raise Error, "No dataset for model #{model}" unless ds = model.instance_dataset
1620   @this = use_server(ds.where(pk_hash))
1621 end

Runs set with the passed hash and then runs save_changes.

artist.update(name: 'Jim') # UPDATE artists SET name = 'Jim' WHERE (id = 1)
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1626 def update(hash)
1627   update_restricted(hash, :default)
1628 end
update_fields(hash, fields, opts=nil)

Update the instance’s values by calling set_fields with the arguments, then calls save_changes.

artist.update_fields({name: 'Jim'}, [:name])
# UPDATE artists SET name = 'Jim' WHERE (id = 1)

artist.update_fields({hometown: 'LA'}, [:name])
# UPDATE artists SET name = NULL WHERE (id = 1)
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1638 def update_fields(hash, fields, opts=nil)
1639   set_fields(hash, fields, opts)
1640   save_changes
1641 end
valid?(opts = OPTS)

Validates the object and returns true if no errors are reported.

artist.set(name: 'Valid').valid? # => true
artist.set(name: 'Invalid').valid? # => false
artist.errors.full_messages # => ['name cannot be Invalid']
[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1657 def valid?(opts = OPTS)
1658   _valid?(opts)
1659 rescue HookFailed
1660   false
1661 end

Validates the object. If the object is invalid, errors should be added to the errors attribute. By default, does nothing, as all models are valid by default. See the “Model Validations” guide. for details about validation. Should not be called directly by user code, call valid? instead to check if an object is valid.

[show source]
     # File lib/sequel/model/base.rb
1649 def validate
1650 end