class Sequel::SQL::StringAgg

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/string_agg.rb
Superclass: GenericExpression

The StringAgg class represents an aggregate string concatentation.


Public Class

  1. new

Public Instance

  1. distinct
  2. expr
  3. is_distinct?
  4. order
  5. order_expr
  6. separator

Included modules

  1. StringMethods
  2. StringConcatenationMethods
  3. InequalityMethods
  4. AliasMethods
  5. CastMethods
  6. OrderMethods
  7. PatternMatchMethods
  8. SubscriptMethods


expr [R]

The string expression for each row that will concatenated to the output.

order_expr [R]

The expression that the aggregation is ordered by.

separator [R]

The separator between each string expression.

Public Class methods

new(expr, separator=nil)

Set the expression and separator

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/string_agg.rb
161 def initialize(expr, separator=nil)
162   @expr = expr
163   @separator = separator
164   yield self if defined?(yield)
165   freeze
166 end

Public Instance methods


Return a modified StringAgg that uses distinct expressions

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/string_agg.rb
174 def distinct
175, @separator) do |sa|
176     sa.instance_variable_set(:@order_expr, @order_expr)
177     sa.instance_variable_set(:@distinct, true)
178   end
179 end

Whether the current expression uses distinct expressions

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/string_agg.rb
169 def is_distinct?
170   @distinct == true
171 end

Return a modified StringAgg with the given order

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/string_agg.rb
182 def order(*o)
183, @separator) do |sa|
184     sa.instance_variable_set(:@order_expr, o.empty? ? nil : o.freeze)
185     sa.instance_variable_set(:@distinct, @distinct)
186   end
187 end