Public Instance
- validates_exact_length
- validates_format
- validates_includes
- validates_integer
- validates_length_range
- validates_max_length
- validates_max_value
- validates_min_length
- validates_min_value
- validates_no_null_byte
- validates_not_null
- validates_numeric
- validates_operator
- validates_presence
- validates_schema_types
- validates_type
- validates_unique
Public Instance methods
Check that the attribute values are the given exact length.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 105 def validates_exact_length(exact, atts, opts=OPTS) 106 validatable_attributes_for_type(:exact_length, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, exact) if v.nil? || v.length != exact} 107 end
Check the string representation of the attribute value(s) against the regular expression with.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 110 def validates_format(with, atts, opts=OPTS) 111 validatable_attributes_for_type(:format, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, with) unless v.to_s =~ with} 112 end
Check attribute value(s) is included in the given set.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 115 def validates_includes(set, atts, opts=OPTS) 116 validatable_attributes_for_type(:includes, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, set) unless set.public_send(set.respond_to?(:cover?) ? :cover? : :include?, v)} 117 end
Check attribute value(s) string representation is a valid integer.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 120 def validates_integer(atts, opts=OPTS) 121 validatable_attributes_for_type(:integer, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| 122 begin 123 Kernel.Integer(v.to_s) 124 nil 125 rescue 126 validation_error_message(m) 127 end 128 end 129 end
Check that the attribute values length is in the specified range.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 132 def validates_length_range(range, atts, opts=OPTS) 133 validatable_attributes_for_type(:length_range, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, range) if v.nil? || !range.cover?(v.length)} 134 end
Check that the attribute values are not longer than the given max length.
Accepts a :nil_message option that is the error message to use when the value is nil instead of being too long.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 140 def validates_max_length(max, atts, opts=OPTS) 141 validatable_attributes_for_type(:max_length, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| 142 if v.nil? 143 validation_error_message(opts[:nil_message] || default_validation_helpers_options(:max_length)[:nil_message]) 144 elsif v.length > max 145 validation_error_message(m, max) 146 end 147 end 148 end
Check that the attribute values are not greater that the given maximum value. Does not perform validation if attribute value is nil. You should only call this if you have checked the attribute value has the expected type.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 153 def validates_max_value(max, atts, opts=OPTS) 154 validatable_attributes_for_type(:max_value, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| 155 validation_error_message(m, max) if !v.nil? && v > max 156 end 157 end
Check that the attribute values are not shorter than the given min length.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 160 def validates_min_length(min, atts, opts=OPTS) 161 validatable_attributes_for_type(:min_length, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, min) if v.nil? || v.length < min} 162 end
Check that the attribute values are not less that the given minimum value. Does not perform validation if attribute value is nil. You should only call this if you have checked the attribute value has the expected type.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 167 def validates_min_value(min, atts, opts=OPTS) 168 validatable_attributes_for_type(:min_value, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| 169 validation_error_message(m, min) if !v.nil? && v < min 170 end 171 end
Check attribute value(s) does not contain a null (“0”, ASCII NUL) byte.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 179 def validates_no_null_byte(atts, opts=OPTS) 180 validatable_attributes_for_type(:no_null_byte, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m) if String === v && v.include?("\0")} 181 end
Check attribute value(s) are not NULL/nil.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 174 def validates_not_null(atts, opts=OPTS) 175 validatable_attributes_for_type(:not_null, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m) if v.nil?} 176 end
Check attribute value(s) string representation is a valid float.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 184 def validates_numeric(atts, opts=OPTS) 185 validatable_attributes_for_type(:numeric, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| 186 begin 187 Kernel.Float(v.to_s) 188 nil 189 rescue 190 validation_error_message(m) 191 end 192 end 193 end
Check attribute value(s) against a specified value and operation, e.g. validates_operator
(:>, 3, :value) validates that value > 3.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 197 def validates_operator(operator, rhs, atts, opts=OPTS) 198 validatable_attributes_for_type(:operator, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m, operator, rhs) if v.nil? || !v.public_send(operator, rhs)} 199 end
Check attribute value(s) is not considered blank by the database, but allow false values.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 224 def validates_presence(atts, opts=OPTS) 225 validatable_attributes_for_type(:presence, atts, opts){|a,v,m| validation_error_message(m) if model.db.send(:blank_object?, v) && v != false} 226 end
Validates for all of the model columns (or just the given columns) that the column value is an instance of the expected class based on the column’s schema type.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 204 def validates_schema_types(atts=keys, opts=OPTS) 205 Array(atts).each do |k| 206 if type = schema_type_class(k) 207 validates_type(type, k, {:allow_nil=>true}.merge!(opts)) 208 end 209 end 210 end
Check if value is an instance of a class. If klass
is an array, the value must be an instance of one of the classes in the array.
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 214 def validates_type(klass, atts, opts=OPTS) 215 klass = klass.to_s.constantize if klass.is_a?(String) || klass.is_a?(Symbol) 216 validatable_attributes_for_type(:type, atts, opts) do |a,v,m| 217 if klass.is_a?(Array) ? !klass.any?{|kls| v.is_a?(kls)} : !v.is_a?(klass) 218 validates_type_error_message(m, klass) 219 end 220 end 221 end
Checks that there are no duplicate values in the database for the given attributes. Pass an array of fields instead of multiple fields to specify that the combination of fields must be unique, instead of that each field should have a unique value.
This means that the code:
validates_unique([:column1, :column2])
validates the grouping of column1 and column2 while
validates_unique(:column1, :column2)
validates them separately.
You can pass a block, which is yielded the dataset in which the columns must be unique. So if you are doing a soft delete of records, in which the name must be unique, but only for active records:
validates_unique(:name){|ds| ds.where(:active)}
You should also add a unique index in the database, as this suffers from a fairly obvious race condition.
This validation does not respect the :allow_* options that the other validations accept, since it can deal with a grouping of multiple attributes.
Possible Options:
:dataset |
The base dataset to use for the unique query, defaults to the model’s dataset. |
:message |
The message to use (default: ‘is already taken’) |
:only_if_modified |
Only check the uniqueness if the object is new or one of the columns has been modified, true by default. |
:where |
A callable object where call takes three arguments, a dataset, the current object, and an array of columns, and should return a modified dataset that is filtered to include only rows with the same values as the current object for each column in the array. |
If you want to do a case insensitive uniqueness validation on a database that is case sensitive by default, you can use:
validates_unique :column, where:(lambda do |ds, obj, cols| ds.where( do |c| v = obj.public_send(c) v = v.downcase if v [Sequel.function(:lower, c), v] end) end)
# File lib/sequel/plugins/validation_helpers.rb 272 def validates_unique(*atts) 273 opts = default_validation_helpers_options(:unique) 274 if atts.last.is_a?(Hash) 275 opts = opts.merge(atts.pop) 276 end 277 message = validation_error_message(opts[:message]) 278 from_values = opts[:from] == :values 279 where = opts[:where] 280 atts.each do |a| 281 arr = Array(a) 282 next if arr.any?{|x| errors.on(x)} 283 cc = changed_columns 284 next if opts.fetch(:only_if_modified, true) && !new? && !arr.any?{|x| cc.include?(x)} 285 ds = opts[:dataset] || model.dataset 286 ds = if where 287, self, arr) 288 else 289 vals ={|x| from_values ? values[x] : get_column_value(x)} 290 next if vals.any?(&:nil?) 291 ds.where( 292 end 293 ds = yield(ds) if defined?(yield) 294 unless new? 295 h = ds.joined_dataset? ? qualified_pk_hash : pk_hash 296 ds = ds.exclude(h) 297 end 298 errors.add(a, message) unless ds.empty? 299 end 300 end