module Sequel::Plugins::JsonSerializer::InstanceMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/json_serializer.rb

Public Instance methods

from_json(json, opts=OPTS)

Parse the provided JSON, which should return a hash, and process the hash with from_json_node.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/json_serializer.rb
221 def from_json(json, opts=OPTS)
222   from_json_node(Sequel.parse_json(json), opts)
223 end
from_json_node(hash, opts=OPTS)

Using the provided hash, update the instance with data contained in the hash. By default, just calls set with the hash values.



Indicates that the associations cache should be updated by creating a new associated object using data from the hash. Should be a Symbol for a single association, an array of symbols for multiple associations, or a hash with symbol keys and dependent association option hash values.


Changes the behavior to call set_fields using the provided fields, instead of calling set.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/json_serializer.rb
234 def from_json_node(hash, opts=OPTS)
235   unless hash.is_a?(Hash)
236     raise Error, "parsed json doesn't return a hash"
237   end
239   populate_associations = {}
241   if assocs = opts[:associations]
242     assocs = case assocs
243     when Symbol
244       {assocs=>OPTS}
245     when Array
246       assocs_tmp = {}
247       assocs.each{|v| assocs_tmp[v] = OPTS}
248       assocs_tmp
249     when Hash
250       assocs
251     else
252       raise Error, ":associations should be Symbol, Array, or Hash if present"
253     end
255     assocs.each do |assoc, assoc_opts|
256       if assoc_values = hash.delete(assoc.to_s)
257         unless r = model.association_reflection(assoc)
258           raise Error, "Association #{assoc} is not defined for #{model}"
259         end
261         populate_associations[assoc] = if r.returns_array?
262           raise Error, "Attempt to populate array association with a non-array" unless assoc_values.is_a?(Array)
263 {|v| v.is_a?(r.associated_class) ? v :, assoc_opts)}
264         else
265           raise Error, "Attempt to populate non-array association with an array" if assoc_values.is_a?(Array)
266           assoc_values.is_a?(r.associated_class) ? assoc_values :, assoc_opts)
267         end
268       end
269     end
270   end
272   if fields = opts[:fields]
273     set_fields(hash, fields, opts)
274   else
275     set(hash)
276   end
278   populate_associations.each do |assoc, values|
279     associations[assoc] = values
280   end
282   self
283 end

Set the json serialization options that will be used by default in future calls to to_json. This is designed for cases where the model object will be used inside another data structure which to_json is called on, and as such will not allow passing of arguments to to_json.


obj.json_serializer_opts(only: :name)
[obj].to_json # => '[{"name":"..."}]'
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/json_serializer.rb
295 def json_serializer_opts(opts=OPTS)
296   @json_serializer_opts = (@json_serializer_opts||OPTS).merge(opts)
297 end

Return a string in JSON format. Accepts the following options:


Symbol or Array of Symbols of columns not to include in the JSON output.


Symbol, Array of Symbols, or a Hash with Symbol keys and Hash values specifying associations or other non-column attributes to include in the JSON output. Using a nested hash, you can pass options to associations to affect the JSON used for associated objects.


Symbol or Array of Symbols of columns to only include in the JSON output, ignoring all other columns.


Qualify the JSON with the name of the object. If a string is given, use the string as the key, otherwise use an underscored version of the model’s name.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/json_serializer.rb
316 def to_json(*a)
317   opts = model.json_serializer_opts
318   opts = opts.merge(@json_serializer_opts) if @json_serializer_opts
319   if (arg_opts = a.first).is_a?(Hash)
320     opts = opts.merge(arg_opts)
321     a = []
322   end
324   vals = values
325   cols = if only = opts[:only]
326     Array(only)
327   else
328     vals.keys - Array(opts[:except])
329   end
331   h = {}
333   cols.each{|c| h[c.to_s] = get_column_value(c)}
334   if inc = opts[:include]
335     if inc.is_a?(Hash)
336       inc.each do |k, v|
337         if k.is_a?(Sequel::SQL::AliasedExpression)
338           key_name = k.alias.to_s
339           k = k.expression
340         else
341           key_name = k.to_s
342         end
344         v = v.empty? ? [] : [v]
345         h[key_name] = JsonSerializer.object_to_json_data(public_send(k), *v)
346       end
347     else
348       Array(inc).each do |c|
349         if c.is_a?(Sequel::SQL::AliasedExpression)
350           key_name = c.alias.to_s
351           c = c.expression
352         else
353           key_name = c.to_s
354         end
356         h[key_name] = JsonSerializer.object_to_json_data(public_send(c))
357       end
358     end
359   end
361   if root = opts[:root]
362     unless root.is_a?(String)
363       root = model.send(:underscore, model.send(:demodulize, model.to_s))
364     end
365     h = {root => h}
366   end
368   h = yield h if defined?(yield)
369   Sequel.object_to_json(h, *a)
370 end
to_json_data(*args, &block)

Convert the receiver to a JSON data structure using the given arguments.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/json_serializer.rb
373 def to_json_data(*args, &block)
374   if block
375     to_json(*args){|x| return}
376   else
377     to_json(*args){|x| return x}
378   end
379 end