
Last Update: 2022-03-01 08:11:18 -0800

New Feature

  • An enum plugin has been added. This plugin allows you to create model-level enums, giving names to underlying values of a column. For example:

    Album.plugin :enum
    Album.enum :status_id, good: 1, bad: 2

    Adds Album#good! and Album#bad! for changing the status_id to 1 or 2 respectively. It adds Album#good? and Album#bad? for checking whether the status_id is 1 or 2 respectively. It overrides Album#status_id to return :good or :bad instead of 1 or 2, respectively, and overrides Album#status_id= to accept :good or :bad instead of 1 or 2 respectively.

    Additionally, it adds good and bad dataset methods for filtering the model’s dataset to records where status_id is 1 or 2 respectively. It also adds not_good and not_bad dataset methods for filtering the model’s dataset to records where status_id is not 1 or not 2 respectively.

    You can use :prefix and :suffix options when calling enum to add a prefix or suffix to the method names created. You can set the :override_accessors option to false to not override the accessor methods for the column, and set the :dataset_methods option to false to not add dataset methods.