
Last Update: 2014-01-02 12:13:25 -0800

New Features

  • Database#call_mssql_sproc is now available for calling stored procedures on Microsoft SQL Server, including the use of output parameters.

  • The Database#{commit,rollback}_prepared_transaction methods now support a :server option for the server on which to operate.

Other Improvements

  • On Microsoft SQL Server 2012, the native OFFSET/FETCH support is now used for offsets, instead of emulating support via the ROW_NUMBER window function.

  • Eager loading is now skipped when doing eager(…).naked.all on a model dataset, instead of raising an error. This can fix issues when the eager_each plugin is used.

  • A couple additional disconnection errors are now detected in the jdbc/postgresql adapter.

  • The tinytds adapter now handles returning rows when the fields are not immediately available.

  • RuntimeErrors raised by oci8 are now handled correctly in the oracle adapter.

  • Sequel’s specs now work with RSpec 3, while still running correctly on RSpec 1.3 and 2.