
Last Update: 2013-11-01 07:58:58 -0700

New Features

  • Sequel now supports Sybase SQLAnywhere, via the sqlanywhere and jdbc/sqlanywhere adapters.

  • The filter by associations support now handles cases where the association has :conditions or a block (as long as the block does not rely on instance-specific behavior). This allows you to handle the following:

    Album.many_to_many :popular_tags, :class=>:Tag do |ds|
      ds.where{tags__popularity > 9000}
    Album.where(:popular_tags=>[Tag[1], Tag[2]])

    This will return all albums whose popular_tags would include at least one of those two tags. Previously, the block would be ignored, returning albums containing one those tags even if the tags weren’t popular.

  • A table_select plugin has been added that changes the default selection for models from * to table.*. This is useful for people who want ActiveRecord-like behavior instead of SQL-like behavior, where joining tables doesn’t automatically include columns in the other table.

    This can fix issues where joining another table that has columns with the same name as columns in the model table without specifying an explicit selection results in model objects being returned where the values in the model object are the values from the joined table instead of the model table.

  • Dataset#offset has been added, for specifying offset separately from limit. Previous this was possible via:

    ds.limit(nil, offset)

    but this is a friendlier API.

  • The jdbc adapter now has support for foreign key parsing. This is used if there is no specific support for the underlying database.

  • Foreign key parsing is now supported on Oracle.

Other Improvements

  • Association add_/remove_/remove_all_* methods for pg_array_to_many associations now work on unsaved model objects.

  • In the constraint_validations extension, deletes from the metadata table are now processed before inserts, so that dropping an existing constraint and readding a constraint with the same name now works correctly.

  • Cloning an association now copies the :eager_block option correctly from the source association if it was passed as the block to the source association method.

  • Cloning a cloned association now copies the block for the association.

  • The descendants method in the tree plugin no longer modifies an array it is iterating over.

  • The jdbc/postgresql adapter now supports PostgreSQL-specific types, with pretty much the same support as the postgres adapter. When using the pg_* extensions, the dataset will now handle the PostgreSQL types correctly and return instances of the correct Ruby classes (e.g. hstore is returned as Sequel::Postgres::HStore).

    You should no longer need to use the typecast_on_load or pg_typecast_on_load plugins when using model objects that use these types when using the jdbc/postgresql adapter.

  • Offset emulation on Oracle now handles cases where selected columns can’t be ordered.

  • Offset emulation on DB2 no longer automatically orders on all columns if the dataset itself is unordered.

  • Types containing spaces are now returning correctly when parsing the schema in the oracle adapter.

  • Database#tables no longer returns tables in the recycle bin on Oracle.

  • add_foreign_key now works correctly on HSQLDB, by splitting the column addition and constraint addition into two separate statements.

  • add_primary_key now works correctly on H2.