module Sequel::SQL::OrderMethods

  1. lib/sequel/sql.rb

Methods that create OrderedExpressions, used for sorting by columns or more complex expressions.


Public Instance

  1. asc
  2. desc

Public Instance methods


Mark the receiving SQL column as sorting in an ascending fashion (generally a no-op). Options:


Set to :first to use NULLS FIRST (so NULL values are ordered before other values), or :last to use NULLS LAST (so NULL values are ordered after other values).

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/sql.rb
902 def asc(opts=OPTS)
903, false, opts)
904 end

Mark the receiving SQL column as sorting in a descending fashion. Options:


Set to :first to use NULLS FIRST (so NULL values are ordered before other values), or :last to use NULLS LAST (so NULL values are ordered after other values).

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/sql.rb
912 def desc(opts=OPTS)
913, true, opts)
914 end