module Sequel::SQL::BooleanMethods

  1. lib/sequel/sql.rb

This module includes the boolean/logical AND (&), OR (|) and NOT (~) operators that are defined on objects that can be used in a boolean context in SQL.

Sequel[:a] & Sequel[:b] # "a" AND "b"
Sequel[:a] | Sequel[:b] # "a" OR "b"
~Sequel[:a] # NOT "a"

One exception to this is when a NumericExpression or Integer is the argument to & or |, in which case a bitwise method will be used:

Sequel[:a] & 1 # "a" & 1
Sequel[:a] | (Sequel[:b] + 1) # "a" | ("b" + 1)


Public Instance

  1. ~

Public Instance methods


Create a new BooleanExpression with NOT, representing the inversion of whatever self represents.

~Sequel[:a] # NOT :a
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/sql.rb
320 def ~
321   BooleanExpression.invert(self)
322 end