class Sequel::IntegerMigrator

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/migration.rb
Superclass: Migrator

The default migrator, recommended in most cases. Uses a simple incrementing version number starting with 1, where missing or duplicate migration file versions are not allowed. Part of the migration extension.


Public Class

  1. new

Public Instance

  1. current
  2. direction
  3. is_current?
  4. migrations
  5. run


Error = Migrator::Error  


current [R]

The current version for this migrator

direction [R]

The direction of the migrator, either :up or :down

migrations [R]

The migrations used by this migrator

Public Class methods

new(db, directory, opts=OPTS)

Set up all state for the migrator instance

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/migration.rb
549 def initialize(db, directory, opts=OPTS)
550   super
551   @current = opts[:current] || current_migration_version
553   latest_version = latest_migration_version
554   @target = if opts[:target]
555     opts[:target]
556   elsif opts[:relative]
557     @current + opts[:relative]
558   else
559     latest_version
560   end
562   raise(Error, "No target and/or latest version available, probably because no migration files found or filenames don't follow the migration filename convention") unless target && latest_version
564   if @target > latest_version
565     @target = latest_version
566   elsif @target < 0
567     @target = 0
568   end
570   @direction = current < target ? :up : :down
572   if @direction == :down && @current >= @files.length && !@allow_missing_migration_files
573     raise Migrator::Error, "Missing migration version(s) needed to migrate down to target version (current: #{current}, target: #{target})"
574   end
576   @migrations = get_migrations
577 end

Public Instance methods


The integer migrator is current if the current version is the same as the target version.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/migration.rb
580 def is_current?
581   current_migration_version == target
582 end

Apply all migrations on the database

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/migration.rb
585 def run
586 do |m, v|
587     timer = Sequel.start_timer
588     db.log_info("Begin applying migration version #{v}, direction: #{direction}")
589     checked_transaction(m) do
590       m.apply(db, direction)
591       set_migration_version(up? ? v : v-1)
592     end
593     db.log_info("Finished applying migration version #{v}, direction: #{direction}, took #{sprintf('%0.6f', Sequel.elapsed_seconds_since(timer))} seconds")
594   end
596   target
597 end