
Last Update: 2017-08-01 08:12:00 -0700

The identifier_mangling extension adds support for to change the default identifier mangling for datasets, as well as all datasets for a given database.

# Use uppercase identifiers in database, and lowercase in ruby.
# Default behavior of Sequel, as the SQL standard behavior
# folds unquoted identifiers to uppercase.
DB.identifier_input_method = :upcase
DB.identifier_output_method = :downcase

# Don't modify identifiers.
# Default behavior of Sequel on PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite,
# as they fold unquoted identifiers to lowercase.
DB.identifier_input_method = nil
DB.identifier_output_method = nil

You can also choose to turn on or off identifier quoting:

# Quote identifiers.  Sequel's default behavior.
DB.quote_identifiers = true

# Don't quote identifiers.  Sequel's default behavior on DB2.
DB.quote_identifiers = false

To modify the identifiers on a per-dataset basis:

ds = DB[:a].with_input_indentifier(:upcase).

To load the extension into the database:

DB.extension :identifier_mangling

Related modules: Sequel::IdentifierMangling::DatabaseMethods, Sequel::IdentifierMangling::DatasetMethods