class Sequel::ToDot

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/to_dot.rb
Superclass: Object


Public Class

  1. new
  2. output

Public Instance

  1. output

Classes and Modules

  1. Sequel::ToDot::DatasetMethods


TO_DOT_OPTIONS = [:with, :distinct, :select, :from, :join, :where, :group, :having, :compounds, :order, :limit, :offset, :lock].freeze  

The option keys that should be included in the dot output.

Public Class methods


Given a Dataset, parse the internal structure to generate a dataset visualization.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/to_dot.rb
37 def initialize(ds)
38   @i = 0
39   @stack = [@i]
40   @dot = ["digraph G {", "0 [label=\"self\"];"]
41   v(ds, "")
42   @dot << "}"
43 end

Given a Dataset, return a string in dot format that will generate a visualization of the dataset.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/to_dot.rb
31 def self.output(ds)
32   new(ds).output
33 end

Public Instance methods


Output the dataset visualization as a string in dot format.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/extensions/to_dot.rb
46 def output
47   @dot.join("\n")
48 end