module Sequel::Postgres::PGArray::DatabaseMethods

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/pg_array.rb


BLOB_RANGE = 1...-1  

Public Class methods


Create the local hash of database type strings to schema type symbols, used for array types local to this database.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_array.rb
 86 def self.extended(db)
 87   db.instance_exec do
 88     @pg_array_schema_types ||= {}
 89     register_array_type('timestamp without time zone', :oid=>1115, :scalar_oid=>1114, :type_symbol=>:datetime)
 90     register_array_type('timestamp with time zone', :oid=>1185, :scalar_oid=>1184, :type_symbol=>:datetime_timezone, :scalar_typecast=>:datetime)
 92     register_array_type('text', :oid=>1009, :scalar_oid=>25, :type_symbol=>:string)
 93     register_array_type('integer', :oid=>1007, :scalar_oid=>23)
 94     register_array_type('bigint', :oid=>1016, :scalar_oid=>20, :scalar_typecast=>:integer)
 95     register_array_type('numeric', :oid=>1231, :scalar_oid=>1700, :type_symbol=>:decimal)
 96     register_array_type('double precision', :oid=>1022, :scalar_oid=>701, :type_symbol=>:float)
 98     register_array_type('boolean', :oid=>1000, :scalar_oid=>16)
 99     register_array_type('bytea', :oid=>1001, :scalar_oid=>17, :type_symbol=>:blob)
100     register_array_type('date', :oid=>1182, :scalar_oid=>1082)
101     register_array_type('time without time zone', :oid=>1183, :scalar_oid=>1083, :type_symbol=>:time)
102     register_array_type('time with time zone', :oid=>1270, :scalar_oid=>1266, :type_symbol=>:time_timezone, :scalar_typecast=>:time)
104     register_array_type('smallint', :oid=>1005, :scalar_oid=>21, :scalar_typecast=>:integer)
105     register_array_type('oid', :oid=>1028, :scalar_oid=>26, :scalar_typecast=>:integer)
106     register_array_type('real', :oid=>1021, :scalar_oid=>700, :scalar_typecast=>:float)
107     register_array_type('character', :oid=>1014, :converter=>nil, :array_type=>:text, :scalar_typecast=>:string)
108     register_array_type('character varying', :oid=>1015, :converter=>nil, :scalar_typecast=>:string, :type_symbol=>:varchar)
110     register_array_type('xml', :oid=>143, :scalar_oid=>142)
111     register_array_type('money', :oid=>791, :scalar_oid=>790)
112     register_array_type('bit', :oid=>1561, :scalar_oid=>1560)
113     register_array_type('bit varying', :oid=>1563, :scalar_oid=>1562, :type_symbol=>:varbit)
114     register_array_type('uuid', :oid=>2951, :scalar_oid=>2950)
116     register_array_type('xid', :oid=>1011, :scalar_oid=>28)
117     register_array_type('cid', :oid=>1012, :scalar_oid=>29)
119     register_array_type('name', :oid=>1003, :scalar_oid=>19)
120     register_array_type('tid', :oid=>1010, :scalar_oid=>27)
121     register_array_type('int2vector', :oid=>1006, :scalar_oid=>22)
122     register_array_type('oidvector', :oid=>1013, :scalar_oid=>30)
124     [:string_array, :integer_array, :decimal_array, :float_array, :boolean_array, :blob_array, :date_array, :time_array, :datetime_array].each do |v|
125       @schema_type_classes[v] = PGArray
126     end
127   end
128 end

Public Instance methods

add_named_conversion_proc(name, &block)
[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_array.rb
130 def add_named_conversion_proc(name, &block)
131   ret = super
132   name = name.to_s if name.is_a?(Symbol)
133   from(:pg_type).where(:typname=>name).select_map([:oid, :typarray]).each do |scalar_oid, array_oid|
134     register_array_type(name, :oid=>array_oid.to_i, :scalar_oid=>scalar_oid.to_i)
135   end
136   ret
137 end
bound_variable_arg(arg, conn)

Handle arrays in bound variables

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_array.rb
140 def bound_variable_arg(arg, conn)
141   case arg
142   when PGArray
143     bound_variable_array(arg.to_a)
144   when Array
145     bound_variable_array(arg)
146   else
147     super
148   end
149 end

Freeze the pg array schema types to prevent adding new ones.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_array.rb
152 def freeze
153   @pg_array_schema_types.freeze
154   super
155 end
register_array_type(db_type, opts=OPTS, &block)

Register a database specific array type. Options:


The type to automatically cast the array to when literalizing the array. Usually the same as db_type.


A callable object (e.g. Proc), that is called with each element of the array (usually a string), and should return the appropriate typecasted object.


The PostgreSQL OID for the array type. This is used by the Sequel postgres adapter to set up automatic type conversion on retrieval from the database.


Should be the PostgreSQL OID for the scalar version of this array type. If given, automatically sets the :converter option by looking for scalar conversion proc.


Should be a symbol indicating the typecast method that should be called on each element of the array, when a plain array is passed into a database typecast method. For example, for an array of integers, this could be set to :integer, so that the typecast_value_integer method is called on all of the array elements. Defaults to :type_symbol option.


The base of the schema type symbol for this type. For example, if you provide :integer, Sequel will recognize this type as :integer_array during schema parsing. Defaults to the db_type argument.

If a block is given, it is treated as the :converter option.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/pg_array.rb
178 def register_array_type(db_type, opts=OPTS, &block)
179   oid = opts[:oid]
180   soid = opts[:scalar_oid]
182   if has_converter = opts.has_key?(:converter)
183     raise Error, "can't provide both a block and :converter option to register_array_type" if block
184     converter = opts[:converter]
185   else
186     has_converter = true if block
187     converter = block
188   end
190   unless (soid || has_converter) && oid
191     array_oid, scalar_oid = from(:pg_type).where(:typname=>db_type.to_s).get([:typarray, :oid])
192     soid ||= scalar_oid unless has_converter
193     oid ||= array_oid
194   end
196   db_type = db_type.to_s
197   type = (opts[:type_symbol] || db_type).to_sym
198   typecast_method_map = @pg_array_schema_types
200   if soid
201     raise Error, "can't provide both a converter and :scalar_oid option to register" if has_converter 
202     converter = conversion_procs[soid]
203   end
205   array_type = (opts[:array_type] || db_type).to_s.dup.freeze
206   creator =, converter)
207   add_conversion_proc(oid, creator)
209   typecast_method_map[db_type] = :"#{type}_array"
211   singleton_class.class_eval do
212     meth = :"typecast_value_#{type}_array"
213     scalar_typecast_method = :"typecast_value_#{opts.fetch(:scalar_typecast, type)}"
214     define_method(meth){|v| typecast_value_pg_array(v, creator, scalar_typecast_method)}
215     private meth
216     alias_method(meth, meth)
217   end
219   @schema_type_classes[:"#{type}_array"] = PGArray
220   nil
221 end