module Sequel::Plugins::Tree::ClassMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb


children_association_name [R]

The association name for the children association

parent_association_name [R]

The association name for the parent association

parent_column [RW]

The symbol or array of symbols for the column containing the value pointing to the parent of the node.

qualified_parent_column [RW]

The qualified identifier or array of qualified identifiers for the column containing the value pointing to the parent of the node.

tree_order [RW]

The column symbol or array of column symbols on which to order the tree.

Public Instance methods


Should freeze tree order if it is an array when freezing the model class.

[show source]
   # File lib/sequel/plugins/tree.rb
81 def freeze
82   @tree_order.freeze if @tree_order.is_a?(Array)
84   super
85 end