module Sequel::Plugins::ConcurrentEagerLoading::DatasetMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/concurrent_eager_loading.rb

Public Instance methods


Return a cloned dataset that will eager load associated results concurrently using the async thread pool.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/concurrent_eager_loading.rb
124 def eager_load_concurrently
125   cached_dataset(:_eager_load_concurrently) do
126     clone(:eager_load_concurrently=>true)
127   end
128 end

Return a cloned dataset that will noteager load associated results concurrently using the async thread pool. Only useful if the current dataset has been marked as loading concurrently, or loading concurrently is the model’s default behavior.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/concurrent_eager_loading.rb
133 def eager_load_serially
134   cached_dataset(:_eager_load_serially) do
135     clone(:eager_load_concurrently=>false)
136   end
137 end