module Sequel::Plugins::AutoValidations::ClassMethods

  1. lib/sequel/plugins/auto_validations.rb


auto_validate_explicit_not_null_columns [R]

The columns with automatic not_null validations for columns present in the values.

auto_validate_max_length_columns [R]

The columns or sets of columns with automatic max_length validations, as an array of pairs, with the first entry being the column name and second entry being the maximum length.

auto_validate_max_value_columns [R]

The columns with automatch max value validations, as an array of pairs, with the first entry being the column name and second entry being the maximum value.

auto_validate_min_value_columns [R]

The columns with automatch min value validations, as an array of pairs, with the first entry being the column name and second entry being the minimum value.

auto_validate_no_null_byte_columns [R]

The columns with automatic no_null_byte validations

auto_validate_not_null_columns [R]

The columns with automatic not_null validations

auto_validate_options [R]

Inherited options

auto_validate_unique_columns [R]

The columns or sets of columns with automatic unique validations

Public Instance methods


Whether to use a presence validation for not null columns

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/auto_validations.rb
175 def auto_validate_presence?
176   @auto_validate_presence
177 end

Whether to automatically validate schema types for all columns

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/auto_validations.rb
180 def auto_validate_types?
181   @auto_validate_types
182 end

Freeze auto_validation settings when freezing model class.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/auto_validations.rb
185 def freeze
186   @auto_validate_no_null_byte_columns.freeze
187   @auto_validate_not_null_columns.freeze
188   @auto_validate_explicit_not_null_columns.freeze
189   @auto_validate_max_length_columns.freeze
190   @auto_validate_max_value_columns.freeze
191   @auto_validate_min_value_columns.freeze
192   @auto_validate_unique_columns.freeze
194   super
195 end

Skip automatic validations for the given validation type (:not_null, :no_null_byte, :types, :unique, :max_length, :max_value, :min_value). If :all is given as the type, skip all auto validations.

Skipping types validation automatically skips max_value and min_value validations, since those validations require valid types.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/plugins/auto_validations.rb
203 def skip_auto_validations(type)
204   case type
205   when :all
206     [:not_null, :no_null_byte, :types, :unique, :max_length, :max_value, :min_value].each{|v| skip_auto_validations(v)}
207   when :not_null
208     auto_validate_not_null_columns.clear
209     auto_validate_explicit_not_null_columns.clear
210   when :types
211     @auto_validate_types = false
212   else
213     public_send("auto_validate_#{type}_columns").clear
214   end
215 end