Public Instance methods
Record the column access before retrieving the value.
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# File lib/sequel/plugins/accessed_columns.rb 31 def [](c) 32 (@accessed_columns ||= {})[c] = true unless frozen? 33 super 34 end
The columns that have been accessed.
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# File lib/sequel/plugins/accessed_columns.rb 43 def accessed_columns 44 @accessed_columns ? @accessed_columns.keys : [] 45 end
Clear the accessed columns when saving.
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# File lib/sequel/plugins/accessed_columns.rb 37 def after_save 38 super 39 @accessed_columns = nil 40 end
Copy the accessed columns when duping and cloning.
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# File lib/sequel/plugins/accessed_columns.rb 48 def initialize_copy(other) 49 other.instance_variable_set(:@accessed_columns, Hash[@accessed_columns]) if @accessed_columns 50 super 51 end