module Sequel::ConstraintValidations

  1. lib/sequel/extensions/constraint_validations.rb


DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT_VALIDATIONS_TABLE = :sequel_constraint_validations  

The default table name used for the validation metadata.

OPERATORS = {:< => :lt, :<= => :lte, :> => :gt, :>= => :gte}.freeze  
REVERSE_OPERATOR_MAP = {:str_lt => :<, :str_lte => :<=, :str_gt => :>, :str_gte => :>=, :int_lt => :<, :int_lte => :<=, :int_gt => :>, :int_gte => :>=}.freeze  


constraint_validations_table [RW]

The name of the table storing the validation metadata. If modifying this from the default, this should be changed directly after loading the extension into the database

Public Class methods


Set the default validation metadata table name if it has not already been set.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/constraint_validations.rb
150 def self.extended(db)
151   db.constraint_validations_table ||= DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT_VALIDATIONS_TABLE
152 end

Public Instance methods


Modify the default alter_table generator to include the constraint validation methods.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/constraint_validations.rb
321 def alter_table_generator(&block)
322   super do
323     extend AlterTableGeneratorMethods
324     @validations = []
325     instance_exec(&block) if block
326   end
327 end

Create the table storing the validation metadata for all of the constraints created by this extension.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/constraint_validations.rb
249 def create_constraint_validations_table
250   create_table(constraint_validations_table) do
251     String :table, :null=>false
252     String :constraint_name
253     String :validation_type, :null=>false
254     String :column, :null=>false
255     String :argument
256     String :message
257     TrueClass :allow_nil
258   end
259 end

Modify the default create_table generator to include the constraint validation methods.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/constraint_validations.rb
263 def create_table_generator(&block)
264   super do
265     extend CreateTableGeneratorMethods
266     @validations = []
267     instance_exec(&block) if block
268   end
269 end

Delete validation metadata for specific constraints. At least one of the following options should be specified:


The table containing the constraint


The column affected by the constraint


The name of the related constraint

The main reason for this method is when dropping tables or columns. If you have previously defined a constraint validation on the table or column, you should delete the related metadata when dropping the table or column. For a table, this isn’t a big issue, as it will just result in some wasted space, but for columns, if you don’t drop the related metadata, it could make it impossible to save rows, since a validation for a nonexistent column will be created.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/constraint_validations.rb
302 def drop_constraint_validations_for(opts=OPTS)
303   ds = from(constraint_validations_table)
304   if table = opts[:table]
305     ds = ds.where(:table=>constraint_validations_literal_table(table))
306   end
307   if column = opts[:column]
308     ds = ds.where(:column=>column.to_s)
309   end
310   if constraint = opts[:constraint]
311     ds = ds.where(:constraint_name=>constraint.to_s)
312   end
313   unless table || column || constraint
314     raise Error, "must specify :table, :column, or :constraint when dropping constraint validations"
315   end
316   ds.delete
317 end

Drop the constraint validations table.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/constraint_validations.rb
282 def drop_constraint_validations_table
283   drop_table(constraint_validations_table)
284 end

Drop all constraint validations for a table if dropping the table.

[show source]
    # File lib/sequel/extensions/constraint_validations.rb
272 def drop_table(*names)
273   names.each do |name|
274     if !name.is_a?(Hash) && table_exists?(constraint_validations_table)
275       drop_constraint_validations_for(:table=>name)
276     end
277   end
278   super
279 end