Public Instance methods
Attempt to guess the columns that will be returned if there are columns selected, in order to skip a database query to retrieve the columns. This should work with Symbols, SQL::Identifiers, SQL::QualifiedIdentifiers, and SQL::AliasedExpressions.
[show source]
# File lib/sequel/extensions/columns_introspection.rb 30 def columns 31 if cols = _columns 32 return cols 33 end 34 if (pcs = probable_columns) && pcs.all? 35 self.columns = pcs 36 else 37 super 38 end 39 end
Protected Instance methods
Return an array of probable column names for the dataset, or nil if it is not possible to determine that through introspection.
[show source]
# File lib/sequel/extensions/columns_introspection.rb 46 def probable_columns 47 if (cols = opts[:select]) && !cols.empty? 48{|c| probable_column_name(c)} 49 elsif !opts[:join] && !opts[:with] && (from = opts[:from]) && from.length == 1 && (from = from.first) 50 if from.is_a?(SQL::AliasedExpression) 51 from = from.expression 52 end 53 54 case from 55 when Dataset 56 from.probable_columns 57 when Symbol, SQL::Identifier, SQL::QualifiedIdentifier 58 schemas = db.instance_variable_get(:@schemas) 59 if schemas && (table = literal(from)) && (sch = Sequel.synchronize{schemas[table]}) 60{|c,_| c} 61 end 62 end 63 end 64 end